Glide does not have automations. Currently all actions need to be executed by a user action. You will need to use a third party integration to accomplish something like this.
You can’t use external tools to trigger actions internally in glide, so push notifications are out.
I don’t typically use any external tools other than a couple of google scripts to archive and backup my data, so I don’t have any good advice off the top of my head. Essentially you would want something like a Make workflow that is on a schedule, reads the data in your tables using the Glide API, iterates through the data and looks for anything that requires a notification, and finally sends an email or sms message. There are several posts regarding Make workflows, but hopefully someone else can chime in with more detailed information.
I’m currently trying to set up something similar (although still having a few issues with the glide automations).
The approach I am going for is:
Have a date field that is set when certain notifications are needed (I can do this with a if/then field in my app)
Have an additional date field for when a notification was sent
Have a autmation running a couple of time a day that pulls users, cycles through them for when the notification sent date is earlier than the notice needed date
aaah… that might explain why I am having so much problem figuring out the correct column (see other thread about column names). That could make this interesting.
Computed columns are mostly computed on users’ devices, so when you poll the API, they only have your basic columns. You would have to find a way to re-calculate that using Make, or have a different strategy to write your computed value to a basic column in a flow.
Do you mean push notifications aren’t reliable? Or some other method?
Basically I want to find the method that works! in lieu of time-based actions being in prod. My guess was this is a common feature and someone would have found a way prior to me trying
Oh I see, so instead of dates and logic being in Glide, you’d need an initial “reference” date and then you’d sent that to Make and Make would do the logic for you, because Glide can’t send that info from calculated columns.
I meant push notifications. I’m deploying email notifications using the “Send emails” integration but I’m getting to another roadblock. Glide just lacks a simple SMTP integration,
My go to solution is a combination of Apps Script, the Glide API and Make.
I use this even if the App in question isn’t attached to any Google Sheets.
It works like this:
I create an empty Google Spreadsheet
I write some code to sync the tables that contain the data that I need on a regular basis via the API
I write some more code to parse the data and generate the email notifications
I bundle the notifications up and send them to Make via a webhook
I use Make to send the notifications via email with the Make Gmail module
It’s a bit convoluted, but I’ve used the same approach in several Apps, and it is rock solid.