Search is searching only in few tags columns

Hi, a priori the Search bar searches only the elements which are included in your Inline list and detailed screen. So if your Tags are not referring to a component, the Search would not work.

More info: Curious - What exactly does the search bar search? - #2 by Jeff_Hager

Nb1: a basic approach could be to create a text component referring to these tags, and hide it with a visibility condition which will never happen (ex. If eMail is “#@~”).

Nb2: Advanced approach is to build your own search bar
In the editor:

  • Template column aggregating your tags
  • User specific text column
  • Single value column on the user specific

In the screen:

  • Entry text component referring to the User Specific text column
  • Inline list filtered with “If Template column includes Single value column”
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