Screen Option in Filters

Hi there, I was just wondering if someone could help me with the following.

In an Inline list, I have to use filters to filter out the results that should be showing up. The only way I got it to work is by using the Screen option as on the image below.

I don’t fully understand what exactly that Screen option is and where it came from. Could someone please help clarify?

The issue is I need to add another Filter to this same view but I have nothing to match it to even in that Screen list.

I would be very thankful for any help.

The screen filters are anything on the current row of the sheet you are currently viewing in the Details layout. What is your additional filter suppose to be filtering?

Hi Jeff, thanks for the quick reply.

The additional filter should be filtering the records that match just to the Batch ID, which I chose on the previous screen. Currently, it is showing the records for all Batches.

Can you explain what you mean by previous screen? You could either add a choice component on the screen that contains the inline list and use the value that’s set by the choice component. Or you could show a list of batches, then when you select a batch to view it’s details you could filter by that batch. Or, if you are using a completely separate screen to set the batch, you could create a relation to the sheet that contains the selected batch and filter if the relation is not empty.

Hi Jeff, thank you for your reply.

So, what I have exactly is:

  • List of Batches (screen 1)
  • When I select a batch, the next screen has an inline list of processes (screen 2)
  • When I select one of the processes, it has an inline list of records for those processes (screen 3)

This screen 3 is showing all records for the selected process for all batches, where I’m actually trying to get it to show only the records related to Batch selected on the first screen.

Hi Jeff, I just wanted to check if you have any thoughts on this:

What we exactly have:

  • List of Batches (screen 1)
  • When I select a batch, the next screen has an inline list of processes (screen 2)
  • When I select one of the processes, it has an inline list of records for those processes (screen 3)

This screen 3 is showing all records for the selected process for all batches, where I’m actually trying to get it to show only the records related to Batch selected on the first screen.

You should make a relation in batches screen linking to the processes screen and make it the value for your link to screen action in Batches.

Similarly, make the same relation in processes to the records and use link to screen again.

Hi ThinhDinh, thank you for your reply. I wanted to make sure I drew this properly before replying back.

This is the full scheme in which I have:

  • Predefined Products (first sheet)
  • Predefined Processes for each of those Products (second sheet)
  • Predefined Subprocesses for each of those Processes (third sheet)
  • Records that users would add (and they could add several for each subprocess) (fourth sheet)

In terms of the App-view I am trying to achieve the following:

  • On Screen 1 - users choose from the list of current productions

  • On Screen 2 - users see a list of predefined Processes, based on which product it is (Product 1 will have a different list of Processes from Product 2)

  • Here they can choose one of the Processes

  • On Screen 3 - users see a list of records for the Processes, grouped by predefined Subprocesses and relating only to Batch selected on Screen 1

  • Here they can choose to add Records

  • On Screen 4 - users can choose from a list of Subprocesses, based on their selection from of Process on screen 2

What I am struggling to achieve is on Screen 3 to show only records that relate to Batch selected on Screen 1.

It is currently showing all records, and I don’t understand how to filter them out.

Take a look at the Multi-Level Select example in You can make a copy of it. Basically it involves making template columns that join values from multiple columns for you to use for your relations.

Thank you Jeff! Will check it out now.

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