Screen moves upwards

My app’s URL:

Clicking rapidly on a inline list item (next item) and thereby moving to a new images makes the whole screen move upwards. Has been seen in other situations- but here I got a video

@Mark would you look into this


I sent a similar video and I think @Jason is looking into this.

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I am unable to reproduce this safari behavior in iOS 14, can anyone?

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Sorry allow me to be more clear. I can repro in iOS 13, but not 14. I think Apple finally fixed this long outstanding issue.


@jason still on iOS 13 as this is production :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Oh! iOS14. Got it. Sorry. I didn’t sign up for the early update. Is there a release date for 14? Is it a theory that it’s fixed in 14? Or is that a known PWA issue that they specifically say they addressed in 14?

Its a theory based on 2 test devices. On iOS 13 I can reproduce the issue with rapid tapping. On iOS 14 I cannot. Unfortunately 2 test devices alone do not confirm the fix.

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I can’t make the bug happen on iOS 14 either :crossed_fingers:

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Downloading it now. I will test and let you know as well.

Downloaded iOS 14 and tested my app for a good hour - works flawlessly so far, no freezing or sticky pages. :relaxed: