Rowid not getting created when i create a new record from a form

I am creating a new entry in a table that uses data from existing columns. The data is populated in the new table but there is no rowId - any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

I have a previous version of the app that used google sheets that does create the new row. I am converting the app to use glide tables and would like to know how to create the new rowId value when the form is submitted. thx

Is it the real RowID column or just a basic column named RowID? What happens when you try to add a RowID column to the table? If a real RowID column already exists, it won’t let you add another one, but if it doesn’t exist, it will expose the true and real RowID column. I suspect the column you currently see is not the actual RowID column.

Thanks for the ideas. the rowID looks real as it is locked. I am not able to add another rowId column

The lock is just an emoji character that’s part of the heading name. Take it’s legitimacy with a grain of salt.

So you attempted to add a RowID like this?

Are you able to manually change a value in one of the cells in that column, or is it locked out. Are you able to edit the column and change it’s data type?

I guess what I should ask first is… did you import the data from a google sheet initially, or did you create the glide table from scratch?

originally the table was created via the import from google sheets. I can re-create the glide table if that will clean things up.

the rowID edit column simply lists it as Text

I will re-build the table. thanks

That’s because it normally is text. The question is, can you change it to something else, like a numeric or date column? If you can, then it’s not a true RowID column and just imported the column from the google sheet that was named RowID?

Just asking this again…

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Jeff - you nailed it with the imposter rowId column. re-created these as authentic rowIds and all is good.

On a related question - I am able to assign the same “lesson” to a student multiple times now. I don’t want to create a new row when I update an existing row. is there a topic that already covers this? thanks

How are you assigning a lesson now? How are you editing that lesson after it’s been assigned? Sounds like you are using a form (which is designed to add rows each time it’s submitted), or you have an Add Row action somewhere. You should be using the Edit screen action if you want to edit an existing row.

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