Row Owner Is Not Working


I have a users glide table, has user email in it, and an overarching admin email column

user email column works to set row owners and functions as it should across the glide tables in my app, But when I apply row owner to also the admin email column in my main data table all records are no longer viewable. What am i doing wrong??

Video here:

Normally the Data Editor will refresh when you apply Row Owners. It looks like yours isn’t doing that. If you reload the Builder does it work?

Couldn’t quite tell in the video. Do you have multiple emails in that admin email column?

I have only one email per column, and I refreshed everything and nothing ever changes, also reloading a live app (not in editor) all data disappears because it appears to think its not row owner

just to reiterate, it works for the user email column, but it is not working on the admin email column which I find very bizarre

oh, I see the problem. You’re giving each user two email addresses. That won’t work. You need to use Roles as Row Owners.

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i also tried to apply row owners to SHOP ACCOUNT column in both sheets, and it still did not work?? Does the column header have to say “roles”?

Yeah for clarification, setting row owner in the user table only determines who has access to that user row. It does nothing to determine row ownership in other tables. If none of your users are signed in with the claim email, then none of them will be able to access any rows only owned by the claim user.


OK that explains why it worked with a google sheet, but doesnt work now that glide changed pricing and forced me to move this monstrous app into a glide table, it has its pros and cons. Mostly pros using glide tables for speed. however this is a downer.

Is there a way then that within glide tables to have 3 row owner columns, specifically in the user sheet.

use case: all company employees get same account number, but each user has a different role, and a different user email.

Because this app will span across many business’s with different account numbers i dont want that data going to any device except the intended business

The only difference from Google sheets is that you can’t create server side arrays to use for row owners. You could always have multiple columns as row owners. But since you have multiple admin users, it’s a lot easier to set them up with Role functionality, give all users the role of admin, and then write the word admin to a row owner column in all of your other tables.

This works and doesn’t work. I need to have roles admin, technician, refinish etc. So that the app interface only loads the data necessary for those users.

But then I also need the account number role functionality due to reasons stated above. can I have 3 row owner columns in the user table?

Your user table only needs an email column for the specific user, an admin column where you write admin in all rows, and a role column where you assign admin to users that need it. Then configure the roles in the user profile configuration to point to that role column.

You can have as many row owner columns as you want, but you are limited to one role per user, or nine if you use a Google Sheet as your Users table.

is there any way to use the SHOP ACCOUNT column to make this happen??

Yeah, you can use any basic column you want as row owner (provided it contains a user role or email).

When setting up roles in the user profile configuration, you are telling glide which column in your user table will contain the role assigned to a user.

Then when you assign row owners to columns in your tables, it checks if the signed in user’s email or the signed in user’s role matches the value in any row owner columns. If it matches, then they are an owner of the row.

It is interesting then to me that this isn’t working the way its described. I just tried that can you check my video:

Again, setting Row Owners in the user table has no bearing on row owners in other tables.

Have you gone through the documentation I shared above that explains how to configure Roles?

Also for more reference…how to configure user profiles.

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Yes I did I guess the hang up here is that I am assuming my “shop account” column could function as Roles instead of the actual Roles column.

It can 100%. You just need to configure in the user profile configuration to use that Shop Account column for Roles.

I am missing something so obvious here, How do I assign “shop account” to be the Roles column? I am trying to avoid alot of rework by changing the many screens of visility conditions based on the current “Role” Column.