I want to be able to created a relation/lookup (within Glide Data Editor) of the APP:SALES tab Want to look up and join profile email with APP: SALES email.
Not the most elegant solution, but you can create a new tab in your workbook that will query the App: Sales tab and duplicate the information. This tab is readable in Glide builder and you can use it.
Just noticed that this was posted as a Feature Request, and I agree.
Nice idea, thanks. Hoping one day it will be something we can just do in glide
I will in the meantime just create a new tab and use this formula
={‘App: Sales’!A:Z}
I am trying to do the above using this formula ={‘App: Sales’!A:Z}. But, it is giving me a formula parse error. May I know where is this formula to be inserted? I create a new sheet and inserted this formula in the first cell of the google sheet which is A1. But, I get a formula parse error. I already have the App: Sales sheet.
Try replacing the single quotes. Sometimes they post weird in the forum and they are actually a different character from what the sheet recongnizes as a single quote.
Thanks, That worked!