Regarding the configuration for hiding components

I run an advertising agency business specializing in real estate in Japan. I am currently building an order management system using Glide and Airtable.

I would like to know how to change the form fields based on different services.

For example:

  • Service A
  • Service B
  • Service C

I want to display Component A for Services A and B, but hide it for Service C.

Could you guide me on how to configure this? I tried using visibility and filters, but it didn’t work well.

Are you opening the form from a details view of the service? Or the service is chosen right on the same form?

If it’s the first case, you can show/hide the relevant components by:

  • Writing the Service ID/Name to a field in your user profiles when entering the form, and show/hide by that.
  • I assume you have to have the Service ID in the destination table anyway in that case, so use that as a default value, and show/hide based on the screen value.

If it’s the second case, just use the screen value.

Dear ThinhDinh

Thank you for your support.
I’ll try your advice tonight.
if i cant something,may be i ask again.

hi dear

I created a Service ID in the user profile. When I tried to set a default value for the Service ID in the form input component, the default value setting box disappears when I select “User Profile” in the data. Am I doing something wrong? I appreciate your kindness.

If you’re using the Form Container instead of a button to open a form, on entry to the details view of the items, set the item’s ID to a column in your user profiles. It doesn’t have to live in your Airtable base, a user-specific column works.

Then do something like this in your form container.

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I need to specify the visibility of form components based on our nine different services, as each service requires different input fields and materials to be provided. I’ve tried various approaches, but I haven’t been able to achieve this yet. I appreciate your support.

There is no need to specify the visibility of form components based on individual users.

I resolved the issue by passing the service name from the service details page as a default value to the hidden column in the form container. I’m truly grateful, thank you!

Just to clarify, I didn’t mean this. I meant passing the value you need to a column in your User Profiles table so that you can reference it later as a visibility condition.

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