Is there a way to redirect to a specific tab or page within the app after a purchase or payment within the app is complete or successful?
Not yet. This has been a feature request for a while now regarding all form buttons.
Thank you for your response Robert. Any hope we can see this feature implemented asap?
Your guess is a good as mine!
This honestly should be a priority feature…This is one of the few features they are lacking that most AAA apps already have.
Any update regarding this?
I seriously need this. It looks ridiculous when the user has no idea what to do or how to access things after successful payment.
I’ve tabs that having visibility conditions when successful payment triggered. And also want to add a button or it can be redirected to that tab.
Buy button needs many improvements. It’s been almost a year it has been launched. My client had made good revenue through stripe and buy button. Hope 2021 would be effective for this, too.
@Purvang_Joshi have you ever tried Navigate to Tab action?
Yes. But that action button should only be visible when user has made the payment successfully.
Also, the target tab’s visibility conditions are depends upon it.
Checking its paid or not, I’ve relation column which is from current sheet to app: sales sheet. It can verify that it has been completed. But it takes time. Real-time it isn’t possible. This isn’t a perfect solution.
Is your app Pro?
I completely agree.
Yes. It is.
Hi there,
did you ever get this resolved?
This is still not available as of now.
could you provide a bit more details on what is avaialble?
This is a feature request, and nothing has changed since then.