Recover Hidden Columns

I duplicated a TAB renamed it and then removed a bunch of columns from the new TAB edit screen. Not sure if I had booth highlighted but they were removed from both tabs. :frowning:

Is there a way to replace the fields/columns I removed or are they gone forever?

Also, should I be able to have 2 tab from same source sheet with different fields or does that not work?

To answer your question, the edit screen of a row from a sheet can not be different across tabs. However you can set the visibility of components so that it looks different based on your user profiles data or your flow.

If you delete a bunch of components (I think you mean components not columns) then if you’re still on the same screen you can undo it by Ctrl/Cmd + Z. If you’re out of that screen and go back then I’m not sure it still works.


Hmmm. Ok. Start again.
Learning always involves a price.

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I changed the visibility for a component on one tab and the same setting applied to the duplicate tab. How do you have different visibility across duplicate tabs?

Are you using a details view? I think you can try to make a new blank tab and copy paste components instead.

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Nah. You still have to specify the Source and it then simply loads what you have in that TAB.

My app has a lot of user maintainable fields and I wanted to split it across three logical tabs so they don’t have to scroll too much. Be a good feature request so might do that.

Thanks for the help.

Well you can just copy paste over and then delete the things you don’t want. Or delete all and start from scratch. Right click and you should have options to do so.

Just tried again. Everything you do on the New Tab is mirrored on the existing tab (duplicate, add, delete) of the same source unfortunately.

Looks like my Tutors will have to deal with a large app until they do some sort of enhancement.

The top level of a tab or a ‘Show New Screen’ view can in fact have an independent layout. If you are viewing a list and then trying to edit the components on the details view of that list item, then you are no longer at that top level and in a sub level. Any details view below one of the top levels I mentioned above begins to have the components layout attached to the table so its consistent throughout the app. That’s how it’s always worked with glide. You also have the option for independent screen configurations per list item, but that requires recreating the layout for every single list item and probably not what you are looking for.

I may have misunderstood your problem, so it would help a lot for us to see some screenshots that explain your problem and what you are trying to achieve.

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