Question about form interactivity..can forms dynamically respond to user input

Imagine I have a Travel Planner Form that asks for a person’s name to be entered and then asks what country a person would like to travel to - by choosing one from a number of countries in a drop down.
Is it possible that the choice that is made at that point can cause the user to be directed to a specific and related question (Dynamically determined by the answer to the first question) which could (for example), be asking which cities the person would like to explore (to be picked from a list showing only cities from the chosen country)
And then they would be directed to the next question on the form which could be to ask them to chooses the number of days they would like to spend in each city, what type of accomodation and what activities and tours they would like to consider for each city?
So the point is the form has a level of “intelligence” and can handle providing a customised form filling experience based upon user choices of data?

Alternatively, can a form be built that allows users to choose where to go and be the driver of the form data entry - so instead of being dynamic, the process could be agile - do one section then submit - go back to where you started - chooses another section then go do all the choices and go back again to the beginning

So imagine a form with a list (of links) that allows a user to follow a the link that suits them at any moment, where different aspects of a form can be dealt with

So they could choose to go to a place that deals with countries and cities
Then in a further interaction after completing a submission for one aspect - they can chooses to go to hotels and spend time in that area choosing preferences and then submit and go back to the menu - and then to say travel preferences, then another section that deals with golf courses…and then food…

Yes and yes. You can do all of this.

Filtered choice component;
You can have choice components that show results based on the previous selection. In your example you would have a table with city and it’s state and point the first choice to the state column. The second choice is pointed to city but is filtered where the state matched “this screens” state.

As for being able to jump from one section to another, this is all done on one screen were to you showing and hiding components. Generally you’ll want to save a value to the user table when you click on a button and then use visibility to show and hide different containers.

Hope that helps.


Here is what I am trying to do.
I want to create a database of items - let us say horses.
Horses can have many attributes
They can include …

  1. Breed and lineage and progeny
  2. Racing history
  3. Medical History
  4. Projected racing calendar.

Here is what this use case question is about

Imagine that the app is to keep track of detailed infromation about horses
For example…

  1. Breed, lineage and progeny
  2. Racing History
  3. Medical History
    4 Planned racing program

Filtered choice components/component visibility should still work, or do you have any more difficult aspects to deal with?

Racing, medical and planned racing programs should be entered as “child” records of the horse.