QR Scanning ability within app

Hi there good people,
Would it be possible to have a QR code scanner integrated in the app?
I would use it to pair my clients with a physical product they receive at the point of sale and to scan receipts of their purchase.
I argue that It would be very useful in general to have the ability to allow users to enter data into the sheet by scanning a QR code. It will allow users to enter a lot of prefabricated data into the sheet, do authentication at the point of sale and allow for many many other use cases.
Who else would see a use for this?



I agree. The ability to 1) generate a QR Code with encoded info (read from a google sheet), and 2) the ability to scan that code and write the encoded info (along with basic transactional data of date/time scanned, geolocation of scan, etc.) to another tab within the google sheet would be a very, very, VERY useful function that could allow more sophisticated apps to be built.


Heya, Here is a sheet to generate QR Codes :


They could scan the QR that links to a google form they could populate the form with their Glideapp Email, Product ID etc and submit. (you could dig around about pre-populating a form, this would be best case scenario)


Hi Phil,
Thank you for this sheet! This would indeed be great to have user generated (or otherwise) data
be shown in the app as a QR code to be scanned later but for many applications this is half the issue.
I was talking about having a camera like feature inside glide that allows to scan the QR from
within the app to import data. You gave a great solution for a way to output a QR from within glide but not a way to import a QR code inside the app.
Great sheet though… thank you again for that



Some people have already asked for this feature some time ago. I hope it is on the list of upcoming implementations (see here)

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That was me and the feature got 17 up votes befor
Assuming it’s very helpful. This feature will make my app Completed. Please


City adventures, hiking routes with information points, warehouse internal tools… there could be many use cases for this (too :smiley:).

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Upvoting here! @Linh_Le_Thuy we are basically building the same app! I’m also creating a reusable packaging network in Barcelona but for takeaway food!

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Another upvoting here (if is needed).

Upvoting as well. I definitely have a use case for this future feature in one of my apps.

Upvote from me as well


Please upvote/suggest in the Feature Requests app:

wow! Nice AND does this mean glideapps can be set to display full width on desktop now? At least the sign in/pinc ode screen does … would be nice if the entire app could follow suit.

We’re working on it.


Hi Phil Hello from Rome… I used the formula to generate a qr code inside the sheet and is working fine but I can not use it in glide cos’ glide need a url to show image …any suggestion ?
=if(isblank(I3), “”, image(“https://image-charts.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=”&I3))

Thank you

@valerio remove the ‘image’ part of the formula, so it’s just the url. You don’t want to render the image in the sheet. You just want to show the url.

Thank You it works fine !!

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