Problem with Emails

Hi Guys !
Can anyone help me, after adding an email to the EMAIL field (with Row Owner), it appears for a few moments and then disappears, the same when editing the profile. What could be the cause and how to fix it ? Thanks in advance

I don’t believe you can change email addresses via the app in the user table if it is tied to your user profile configuration.

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Is there an option that the admin, could edit in the future the data of users of this application ? Or is it impossible due to some security standards and data correctness ?

I believe it’s a security protection. Two things that can’t be changed directly from the app is the user’s email or their role. I think the reasoning is because it could open up the possibility for a user to grant themselves access to someone else’s data.

There are a couple of alternatives though. You can change the values via the data editor in the builder, or you can build a process to change the values via the Glide API.


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