Private Chat attached to Form Submission

I have someone submitting a form and I want there to be a chat attached to that submission that will be between the person who submitted the form and the role of admin. Does someone have a good tutorial on how to do this. I’ve tried a few different methods and keep screwing it up.

  • Add a Comments table.
  • Add a chat component to the details screen of the submission, writing to the Comments table, make sure you pass a value over to reference the submission’s rowID.
  • Create a multiple relation from the Submissions table to the Comments table using the rowID.
  • Go back to your chat component to reference the relation as the data source.
  • If more people than just the person who submitted the form and admins can view the submission, use appropriate visibility conditions for the chat component.

How would you go about utilizing Push Notifications to let each person know when the other has posted.

  • Create a query pointing to your Users table, filter all rows that have the role as Admin.
  • Create a lookup pulling back all their emails.
  • If you haven’t got the person who submitted the form’s email (you should), add that to your form submission flow.
  • Create a Make Array column, joining the Admin emails and the submitter’s email.
  • Create a remove element from array column, remove the signed-in user’s email from the make array result above.
  • In the comments table, create a relation back to the form submissions table, and lookup the final array above.
  • Every time users submit a new comment, send a push notification to the lookup array of emails.

Could you just make a “new screen” that shows “on submit”? You could add a chat component there and have a chat that uses row owners and Big Tables to seamlessly move chats?

What do you mean by this?

What do you mean by “seamlessly move”?