Prevent calendar from switching to week/day

Hello, I have this calendar that is made for ONE daily activity.

How can I make it so that people cannot change the view from months to week or days and so the days are not clickable (which changes the view to days) but only the events can be clicked?


Do you have access to CSS on your plan?

I think not but I will upgrade at some point so if you can let me know how I can do it with CSS I’ll be interested :slight_smile:

I don’t have the code ready now, but I think it’s just a matter of changing pointer-events to none for the “Month” dropdown and the days are not clickable.

@Himaladin would know better about this.

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If it’s no longer necessary, I think it would be best to simply remove it with display: none; (Add the class name taskCalendar to your Calendar component).

.taskCalendar [aria-haspopup="menu"] {
  display: none;
  /*pointer-events: none;*/


Thank you :slight_smile:

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