I have a native form with a start date/time field and an end date/time field. Is there a way to set the default value of the end time to be the value that was entered in the start time?
Thank you
You are using a form for adding these data ? Right?
Yes, a native form on an overlay screen.
You might want to use the screen values by selecting the start date field.
Then, in the right panel, choose the end date field to set that value.
OR you could create a custom action linked to the form’s onSubmit event, setting the condition: if the end date is empty, set the end date column value to the start date value.
The start time field and the end date field arent included in the parent table and don’t show up as screen values.
essentially I just want the end time value options to start from the start time. In my mind it doesn’t make sense to have end time values available that are before the start time.
Oh okay I understand now. You could set the end date to now by default ?
Is was worth a try! Thanks!
I should try with ai component and ask to set a minimum range of the current value of the start date. Who knows!
You can use a variation of this. Show the prevent-submti component when end date is before start date.