Pop-ups on Glide?

Hi, there!
It’s possible to show a pop-up message when oppening the app?
Thanks in advance!

I don’t think that’s available. What’s your use case?

Well, @ThinhDinh, I have to send kind of a push notifications to a work team ever since an important task comes to us.

I’ve been looking for answers and I found a way to do this with messages in the form of images, showing them like a splash screen, or pure texton the header, but honestly, it’s an odd way and not professional to do this.

Probably it’s a limitation of Glide Apps. :frowning:

Do you have a column in the sheet that defines if it’s an “important” task or not? Would an email notification work in this case?


I can’t share the app, 'cause it’s confidential, but it’s very simple: There are a main page that has links to some Google Forms, and sometimes I’d like to send “push notifications” to all coworkers about some events in our company.

Do your workers all use WhatsApp? There was a thread about WhatsApp notfications, you can have a look here.

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Interesting, @ThinhDinh!
I’ll take a look.
Tks! :wink:

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Hope it helps :smile:


Have a look at : https://modal.glideapp.io/

Modal format can be adapted (ref W3 CSS) and its contents can be entirely built using your data, of course (using values from the data editor and/or your gsheet).

The only pain point is the web view tite page…


Well, that’s handy!

Great, @Robert_Petitto!
Thanks for sharing!

@Christophe_HK had the solution!

Thanks for sharing…

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The link seems to have been taken down, is it still available for reference somewhere else?

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Where can we link to the sol’n? It seems to be taken down…