I have made a Glide table of Rooms with Surface and Level for each Room (in a given building).
I want to calculate and show to the User the agregated Surface of all Rooms in a given Level.
In excel, that would need a Pivot Table. How do you do the equivalent in Glide ?
Also, I want to make a new Table with rows update with the Levels as they get created or destroyed by the user. How do I do that ?
This is doable in Glide. Check out the docs for Multiple Relations and Rollup columns. It also would help to have a separate table that lists all the unique Levels! Maybe this could be the first step when users add new entries (select an existing level or add level first, then add room).
This is how I would do it: 1 table for the list of items, 1 helper table for the query column, choice components to write to the helper table (similar to choosing variables to roll up in a pivot table), a few user-specific columns associated to these choice components to filter the query column, rollups on the query column.
This approach is not at all as elegant or simple as pivot tables.