As things shift towards Glide Tables, I would LOVE a querying function in glide tables. Being able to aggregate and group data would make the tool extremely powerful because you can then make high value charts and dashboards.
Hi @AymenM thank you for the great reference link. The functionality with the topic by @Errcomp is that individuals can vote for it, whereas the post by @ThinhDinh is a tutorial.
There is a difference with this request compared with @ThinhDinh’s tutorial. Yes, you can do queries in google sheets, but if you are running entirely on glide tables or want to avoid any google sheet lag, then a way to dynamically create a table with unique values based on another table would be beneficial. I currently build a google sheet based on data in another sheet, but if I could do that within glide, then I think there would be some performance increases.
@AymenM thanks for the question. As @Jeff_Hager mentioned, this would be different than the tutorial from @ThinhDinh. Its a great tutorial, and I love using the query function in google sheets, but as Glide Tables provides better responsiveness and higher capacity, I would want to also be able to do a query function within Glide Tables. I have an app currently that would benefit greatly from this feature!
This is such a powerful technique, and has so may different applications.
I use this a lot now to create filtered lists - it removes the need to apply filtering to list components.
@Jeff_Hager I think I understand. I will give that a try! I have a workaround right now where I manually put in the unique values for the query grouping then relate that to the data set, then rollup up those relations. That means for weekly rollups I have to manually type in a new week into the GT every week. Does this method take out the manual aspect?
Yes, it would all be automatic because it’s all in the same existing sheet. The Single value column is only pulling back one rowid from the matching set of keys and that single value will always be the FIRST matching row from the relation. That way, only one of your rows in each group will be marked as true because only one of them will have the same rowid.
I do have to add, that a built in solution from glide would still be better. Not only would it probably be less overhead processing, but a separate sheet would allow you to have a separate details layout since it would be a separate sheet. But that all depends on how your app is laid out. I’m still all for a native solution.
Is there any way we can get whole column values from the other table (not just rollup sums) at once? The objective is to get the public info only from one table into another automatically
Good point. Certain data protected by row owners in the user profile table cannot become public data by using computed columns such as a relation and lookup to extract the data into another table. You’ll just end up with a bunch of empty values for all users except the user that is signed in.
The only way to do this in a way that will work is to actually write the data separately to each table, or if this a google sheet, then use a query formula to pull certain columns of data into another sheet table.