Our Glide App keeps refreshing during normal usage

Hi! We have a Glide App that keeps refreshing during normal usage. The app uses the Glide table for data storage. How can we troubleshoot the issue?

Does anyone edit stuff in the builder environment while you were using the real app?

Thank you for your response. No, nobody.

I don’t have any other info to add. I have seen reports in a long time about the app being refreshed if there’s something being changed in the builder. I’m not sure if a change from the Glide team themselves (on updates to the platform) would cause the same behaviour.

Thank you very much for trying to help out. I appreciate!

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This is an ongoing issue. I have seen it in multiple Apps, and Classic Apps. I have the legacy non-profit plan. There’s really no way to “troubleshoot” because it happens so unexpectedly. It is typically after the App has been opened for fewer than 5 minutes, you’ve already started doing something (like an update or an add) and you have information already entered.

I have little expectation that it will be fixed, because of its spontaneity, unless someone at Glide experiences it.

Hi, thank you for responding to my issue. I finally tried something that seems to have taken care of the problem: I “uninstalled” the app from the iPhone and I sent a fresh invitation from the Glide editor. After the reinstallion, the app functions as expected and the continuous refreshes have disappeared. I hope this is a permanent fix.

This email was written on a mobile device. Please excuse any typing mistakes.

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I will give that a try. It’s been a while since I re-installed it. I am on Android. Don’t hate me.

I hope it works for you on Android. It might, since the app works in the Chrome environment.