OpenAI Integration DALL-E "Generate an Image: could not fetch"

My App/Pages support link:

Describe the bug:

  • After entering tha OpenAI API Key and made an action to generate an image using the DALL-E integration, i receive the error “Generate an Image: could not fetch”.

Expected behavior:

  • Generate an image using the OpenAI DALL-E Integration

How to replicate:

  1. Enter the OpenAI API Key
  2. Create an action that uses the Open AI Integration to generate an image

Link to demo recording:

  • The app is all in Italian but I will translate it if needed and share a video

Works for me.

Are you sure that your API Key is correct?
Are you sure you’re not sending an empty prompt?
Has it ever worked for you?

Also… you have to clean requests from any characters that are not allowed… like return carriage

Are you sure that your API Key is correct?

I’have generate a new API Key but I have the same issue

Are you sure you’re not sending an empty prompt?

In the action I check if the description, which is my prompt, is not empty

Has it ever worked for you?

yes, it used to work but now it doesn’t work at all. It seems like it doesn’t save the API Key

Also… you have to clean requests from any characters that are not allowed… like return carriage

I tried to use a simple “pizza” as my description but it still do not work

it works on my page:

This is crazy… i tried to make a simple page but still nothing…

Maybe try removing the integration and then adding it again?

Nothing is working…

Are you sure your quota for DALE-E is not finished?

I have credits

I tried old keys and new keys but the query simply doesn’t go through

Hmmm… I can’t help you… I do not use Glide integrations, they are not reliable, and it costs updates… I use Google Scripts to fetch DALEE-E… maybe Darren will know what the problem is.

Originally I used Airtable scripts but they are painfully slow so I wanted to try integrations but this is the results. I now they are in beta and I hope they will fix this since now I know that i’m not doing anything wrong on my side

I don’t know about Airtable scripts, but Google Scripts are faster than Glide LOL

I’m sorry, I don’t have anything else to suggest.
It might be a bug, but I’m a little skeptical about that because if it was then I’d expect more people to be reporting it. :man_shrugging:

Do you use the script to update the Glide Table?

What could it be then?

Yes, that is what I’m using on the page you clicked on.

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  1. Make sure you have a credit card on file with OpenAI. They tend to fail the API if you don’t.
  2. What’s an example of your prompt?