When I use the bold theme the image fits perfectly into the notch. If I use another theme, the notch is always white, regardless of whether it is day or night mode. Does anyone know why that is and how I can use the notch in every theme?
Do you have any external CSS for this screen? Is this Glide Apps or Glide Pages?
I used CSS in the picture, but I have the same problem without CSS. For example, if I’m on the sign-in screen with a background image or if the app switches to night mode, the notch doesn’t switch with it.
I use Glide Apps. As I said, the problem is everywhere except for the bold theme.
Let’s start with your CSS first. I assume you’re using CSS to hide the top nav bar? Can you share your code so we can debug?
The notch might be a part of the screen that you can’t or have not touched with CSS.
I have designed screens like this before, I don’t seem to have a problem like you.
Wow that looks great can you show me how you made it?
This is the CSS Code I used:
[data-test="glide-app-bar"] :nth-child(1) {
backdrop-filter: blur(0px);
background: transparent;
-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(0px);
#app-root [opacity='1'] {
color: transparent;
[data-test="nav-bar"] >div +* {
color: transparent !important;
@supports(padding:max(0px)) {
body, header, footer {
padding-left: min(0vmin, env(safe-area-inset-left));
padding-right: min(0vmin, env(safe-area-inset-right));
I’m guessing your screenshot was taken from an iPhone. This is likely a bug that many iOS users complain about.
Yes the screenshot is from an iPhone.
Yes, I also think that it is a bug, because the problem also occurs without CSS. As described above, even if the device is in night mode, the notch remains white. Just not in the bold theme. Is there any solution or work around?
There is no other way. You can follow the following thread with the behavior I described earlier.
@Himaladin was spot on with the comments above. It’s a known issue with iOS.
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