News App

Hi there, I am trying to create a news app and want to combine all sources on my sheet and display them based on the date and time when the news is added, can anyone help me out

Do you mean to say that you have several sheets each with their own feed and you want them combined into one feed organized by date?


yes, I have got 5 sheets which are Education, Politic, Sport, Technology and breaking news,

I have tried creating one on the home page by using the inline list to put them together on one page but it feels not right as newer news could appear at the very bottom based on the inline list order.

Yeah…you’d have to pull them into one Google sheet…perhaps a stacked arraycolumn. Something like
and then in glide, sort this master list by a date column.


Thank you very much, That was really helpful. i have completed the task.
the solution is as described.

I think this new boy in town would also be helpful :wink:


Nice find!