How do you Gather and display in App Notifications across different sheets chronologically in the same inline list?

Hey Gliders,
I built an initial ‘inline list’ notification tab for users to see when someone becomes their friend, since then I’ve added additional features and corresponding notifications.

NOW, I’d like to aggregate the currently disparate notifications (from friend invites, community invites, etc.) into one ‘inline list’ that is able to display them chronologically, from latest to oldest. Has anyone done this? Or know how I might be able to approach this?

For now I’m currently using a google sheet query,
=QUERY({Users!A2:E;Events!A2:E;Communities!A2:E},“SELECT * WHERE Col1 is not null”)
But not sure if this will be able to create the end result I have in mind, but I’m making a go at it…ATM.

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Are you trying to combine multiple columns in GSheet into one column?

Im trying to add content from multiple sheets into one master sheet. But then display contextual data back about depending on the sheet it came from

In order to have one inline list it would have to be combined into one column… unless I’m missing something. Here’s what I do…

I start with a helper tab that is not connected to Glide in anyway and use =flatten


Then a filter formula in the destination sheet where we want to display our inline list. I target that new ‘Combine’ column in the Helper Tab.


I’m not 100% where to go from here but could probably get the rest done with vlookups in GSheet and an ITE column in glide… or a bunch of relations, lookups, and finally an ite column in glide.

I’m curious to know how the experts would approach this because this is a fundamental part of my app.


Thanks @Eric_Penn. I’m with you and would love to see an example or hear an approach for what needs to happen on the Glide end of things to get it to display well.

I would have a Master sheet with 3 columns: RowID, Title & Timestamp.

Then you can leverage a stacked query formula. Please see the example Master sheet:

Finally, in Glide, you can sort the notification using the timestamp column, filter the list based on the email column.


Not sure if this makes sense, but wouldn’t this be a whole lot easier if you put them all in the same table to begin with? :thinking:


It would! but the content type that the notifications correspond with are vastly different.

Thank you! I’ll try out this variation of the formula.

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