Newbie looking for help converting Sheet into app

Hi. I’m extremely new here and have a request. With the help of someone who knew JavaScript, I had an idea for a Sheet that I could use to keep track of my medication. I know there are apps out there and I have tried ALL of them, but only 1 has everything i need but they want a hefty subscription fee and that was after me helping them beta test for a year and them promising a free lifetime subscription. Well, they sold and the new owners didn’t want to honor that so I made my own with mucho help. Turns out that with a very small JavaScript, I could accomplish my goal and it works great. Glide came out saying that they could convert a sheet into an app so I tried and it failed. I’m guessing its because of the JavaScript, but maybe not. I understand the basic concept of programming but just haven’t learned all the vocabulary in order to make my own. Im on the north side of 50 and the memory is not what it used to be. I’m wondering if somebody would be willing to help me make this into a free app that I can share with people… for free. I’m on a very set monthly forced retirement via disability of several unlucky brand names and have to choose which meds to cut each month in order to make it. This being said so that you can understand that I can not afford to pay for help and wondering if someone would be willing to help me. I’m not even sure if this is the place to ask this. I am willing to take whatever direction needed. Thank you.

My current ability is a Google sheet that uses column A for a dropdown of my medication which is pulled from H column. The time in between doses in in column i. As soon as I choose a medication, it puts the time in column B which I use when I need to come back and see what time I took the medication. C column holds the calculated time from column i that lets me know when I can take the medication again. The format for the time is Day Year/Month/Day Hour:Minute:Seconds

Just wondering if anyone will be able to help me. I will check back tomorrow to see if there are any brave caring people willing to help

here is the JavaScript i’m using and then line 2 Column C must have this code.

function onEdit(e) {
var timezone = “GMT-5”;
var timestamp_format = “yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm”;
var ss = e.source.getActiveSheet();
var start = 2;
var end = 4;
var row = e.range.getRow();
if (e.range.getColumn() == 1){
ss.getRange(row, start).setValue(new Date());

C2 Must be

Thank you,



Welcome to the community.

I would be more than happy to build your app for free. I have something I’m working on at the moment (not a get out clause). I know next it will be out of the way. If no one comes to your aid in the meantime, I promise I will build your app for you. You will not have to pay me a dime.

Thank you.


Hey Somps - Welcome.

Javascript is not my forte but I share the frustration. I haven’t found anything that’s worked consistently or is worth the premium — high or low tech. I always go back to a hideous but sturdy as hell 7-day pill box with a built-in buzzer I picked up from a Duane Reade 15 yrs ago.

Does the below capture how you’re using each column correctly?

Col A: Select from list of Meds (options from Col H)
Col B: Captures the current time when administering a dose. (“as soon as I choose a med”)
Col C: Time remaining until next dose
Col H: All meds
Col I: Dose intervals


yes. Exactly. I’m not sure if there is a way to send you a video, but if I can somehiw send you a video, I can run through it visually. Thank you. At one point, I was taking about 15 to 20 meds and realized that many of them shouldn’t be taken with each other.


Thank you Wiz. I have my infusions every 2 weeks and the place I go has many many people that are in and out all day. Most of them for cancer. Mine is for Muscular Dystrophy. Its a rare form called Pompe Disease. Many of them are taking a bunch of meds and most of them like what I made and feel it would beneifit them more than what they have tried. I would really like to share it with them. Thank you.

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Got it. @Wiz.Wazeer is capable as are others here.

I think building in an alert mechanism for interactions would be incredibly useful. When your daily dose is that extensive, it’s hard to rely on a pharmacist to thoroughly cross check for drug-drug interactions, especially if your prescriptions are not all at the same pharmacy. So, it might be worthwhile taking that full list to one pharmacist, have them run it through their interaction checker, and maybe that data can be incorporated in the app via a “if Med A, exclude Med B and Med C” type logic. Of course, your prescribing physician(s) should be the ultimate decision-makers here.

How are you remembering to check your tracker? I’m assuming the challenge is not remembering to take the meds, just keeping track given the quantity…


Hey @Somps, I can quickly help you with this one and I would love to support your cause. Just so that I understand your use case perfectly could you take a quick video of what exactly your sheet does. You could use to make a quick screen recording with a voice-over and send it here. I think this can be made quickly with Glide. Awaiting your response!


You can share the Loom link here so we can all see it.


I’ve taught myself to use a specific time to create habits. I started this when I was younger seeing people as they got older start having issues remembering things so I had a theory and it worked out. While I was younger, I set aside a specific routine to create habits which I woukd use later. This became very handy as I got older. I used that to create a habit to check my phone . I have to have the medicine in hand ready to take and then set it on my phone which I have with me at all times. This way, if I forget, then I just check my phone and see. I haven’t lost it completely yet so my memory is still decent. Its the every now and then flicker which is why the history is important. I did finally get everything to one pharmacy and we worked out what I should take and not take. Thank you for your support and advice.


Thank you. Here is the link.

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You could upload it on drive and share link here.


Not sure if it’s supposed to be muted. When recording on Loom, you need to give your mic permission to record.


Here is the link to see my phone and with a voice over. The desktop video allows you to see the script using the editor. The phone lets you see what I see during normal usage. If I could have my choice, I would like to have A screen that allows me to input all my medications with name and dosage and with time interval. A screen for taking the meds which would be the main screen and have a drop down. Then have a history tab that lets me see history and notes if I left any. I take testosterone every 12 days. Sometimes its difficult to remember the 12 days so right now I have it set in notes which I can quickly locate. Maybe if there was a search feature in history. I don’t know if that is possible but i could type in testosterone and I could see the last time and the next time needing to take it. Here is the link to my Google drive share. Thank you guys. I’m off to bed. Couldn’t sleep, but feeling it now. Thanks again.


I didn’t talk/. I didn’t have a mic ready. Thats why I did the iphone recording. Thanks.

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Just as a side note, I go every 2 weeks for my infusion for Muscular Dystrophy which is helping me stay out of a wheelchair for now, but what I do there is I’ve added several items as if they were meds and because I am anal with data and information gathering and comparing, I put in my arrival time, the time the nurse calls me back, when they check my weight and blood pressure and when they get my IV setup and when they start the benadryl dosage, when I start getting drowsy, when the benadryl finishes and when the main med starts and finishes and then when I leave. I use this so that I know what the average norm for each stage should be. Its generally an 8 hour ordeal from start to finish. Sometimes its a 10 hour ordeal and I can tell the nurses where something went wrong. We found that the pump for my main med was having a problem because I noticed that the time on that was off. These are the reasons I get this anal. I like to know as much as possible. I found that I am my best advocate and I can’t rely on others guessing.


Could you provide access to this link?


I hope this works. I set it to allow anyone who has this link should be able to view.

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Check out the app and let me know if it’s what you want.


Great guy You did not waste any time ! :+1::blush::pray:

Thank you :blush:!

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Took this one for the team! @Wiz.Wazeer :smiley: