New here -- My data keeps disappearing

Not sure why - when i enter data in the app, it quickly disappears from screen (but remains in data grid) - Help.

Gonna need some more information and preferably some screenshots to better understand your problem. What data source are you using? What plan are you on? What exactly is disappearing? What do you mean by ‘data grid’? Do you mean the data grid component on the app screen, or the data table in the data editor? Do you have any visibility conditions or filters? Do you use Row Owners?

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Thanks - I am new here - on a free plan.

I had (relatively) quick success making a simple app to allow users to track supervision hours (independent from other user’s tracking).

I imported a cvs file with user information (name, email, photo, role). I used row owners.

Then, I imported a cvs file to allow each user to track their supervision hours (their own unique tracker). This included 3 columns: Date of meeting, # of hours per meeting, and cumulative hours. Success. Worked great - I figured out how to ensure one user’s added hours didn’t populate on other user’s tracker. I figured out how to cumulated each users hours upon them entering the hours.

Then – not sure what I did, but the date (although entered) would not visibly show on the app. In trying to fix that, I messed something up and suddenly I coudn’t separate user’s entered data anymore (so entered hours populated on all users). Then, I couldn’t figure out what I did and then, couldn’t figure out how to fix it.

Today — a new problem. As I add hours on the app, I can see it populate the 3 column grid, — and then, in about 4 seconds, poof - the entire grid and data disappears.

Thanks for any help you might offer —

I’m intrigued by this, especially when you say that your table only has date, hours, and cumulative hours. How are you differentiating each user’s row when you don’t have a column to indicate who that row belongs to? I feel like this may be the core of your problem if it’s not set up correctly. Please provide more details and screenshots of your tracker table and how you enter data into that table via the front end of the app.