New Computer can't log in

I am moving to a new computer.

I was logged in on my old computer. When I went to Sign In on GlideApps, it asked for my email address and said it would send me a link. But the email never came.

I tried publishing an app on the old machine and inviting myself via email. That email came and I was able to get into the app on the new machine.

I tried signing out of the old computer and signing in on just the new one, but still received no email.

I tried to sign back in on the old machine and now am getting no email to allow me to sign in there.

I have inspected my junk and spam folders, but there is nothing there. I tried logging into Glide Data Editor Feedback and did successfully get a pin and logged in.

Any ideas?

Follow-up: What I really want is to get back to the apps I was working on. How can I get there?

Thanks, Jack

Are you using a personal Gmail or something else? Itā€™s weird that itā€™s not even in spam.

I have been using my email. I just tried with gmail to see if I could sign out and sign back in the bellsouth. That didnā€™t work.

Can you just send me a link that I could use?


  • Jack

What we observe in the past for these situations was that email domain providers blocked Glideā€™s email from coming in, but Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s the case here.

I saw another person who seems to be having a login problem as well.

I am getting emails when I log in to Glide Data Editor Feedback - and I am getting your emails.

I would be happy to go in through gmail, but I need access to the apps I created using BellSouth. A couple of those are livev and still working, but I canā€™t access them.

Can you clarify what you mean by ā€œGlide Data Editor Feedbackā€?

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The email was from ā€˜no-reply@auth.appnotify.ioā€™ entitled. ā€œYour pin for Glide Data Editor Feedback is _____ā€

They sent me the PIN to the account about 2 weeks ago (attached). And, just last Friday, I got an access PIN to the account sent to me (also attached). So, it has been working until just a couple days ago.

On Saturday, I published an app. Just now, I looked up the ā€œYouā€™ve publishedā€¦ā€ email I received last Saturday. Opening the email, I clicked the ā€˜Open Appā€™ button to try the app now. It asked for my email address which I entered - the same one I use to develop my apps (the one) - and glide immediately sent me a response to the email address with a pin so I could use that app. That worked.

Why canā€™t I get in to develop? What do I have to do?

I just tried logging into with an email and I do have the email.


If you follow the same process as me and donā€™t get the email, I can only assume is somehow blocking emails from Iā€™m not sure I can help more here.

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I just tried logging into with an email and I donā€™t have the email. How can I get back in another way? - Jack

I donā€™t have any further recommendations here. @NoCodeAndy might know more.

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Thanks. I will try contact him as well. - Jack

I have half a year of work there and apps I have shown as potentials to 3 clients. I have used the webmail approach to looking at directly and there are no emails from there. There is nothing from glide in spam and I have nothing blocked and no filters set at the website level. So, I seem to be at a dead end.

So, here are some ideas:

  1. Can you add the address to the team so I can get access that way? ā€“ OR ā€“
  2. Can you share/copy the apps on the to the ā€“ specifically: Gig Magic, Job Genie and Lead Magic(?)?
  3. Can you change the email used in the current bellsouth account to the

I hate to lose all the work completely. There is no back-up locally that I can do (of which I am aware at least) so I am at Glideā€™s mercy.

I am also contacting NoCodeAndyā€¦

Thanks, Jack

Hi Jack, I understand the frustration but at this point itā€™s best to wait for @NoCodeAndy 's response or open a support ticket.

Iā€™m just a fellow user trying to help :sweat_smile:

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Thank you very much. I appreciate all you do and have done. I thought you were a glide employee because you are so responsive. Great job!


We took this to DM since itā€™s account specific. :slight_smile:

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