New bottom tabs menu hides submit and cancel buttons on Glide pages

Glide pages now has a tab menu at the bottom of the screen (mobile view)

There is a problem though…

If you edit something then the ‘submit’ and ‘cancel’ buttons, that are fixed to the bottom, become hidden so you can’t access them - no matter how hard your try to scroll…:thinking:

Button view on desktop :point_down: You can see them…
Screenshot 2022-09-29 at 16.38.57

Button view on mobile :point_down: The submit and cancel buttons are hidden by the bottom tab menu (they are there I promise, behind the home and your profile tabs, we just can see or access them!)


I assume you’re editing things on an overlay?

Seems to be the same issue here:

Thanks @ThinhDinh

Yeah is the same issue.

I see you are reporting it so will close this one.

Keep us updated can you?


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