Form Submit button not showing on Pages on mobile

My App/Pages support link:

Describe the bug:
Form button isn’t showing in mobile. I saw on another post that it said this was fixed but the submit button is still not showing up.

Expected behavior:
There should be a submit button for the form to submit

How to replicate:

  • Try to submit a form on mobile device

Link to demo recording:

cc @SantiagoPerez

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  • Can you scroll down? If not, have you tried changing the target of the form from Overlay to Slide-in?
  • Have checked that all required fields are filled?

If you have done all of the above, please, submit a ticket at

Please, make sure that you record a video showing how to navigate to that form from the app loading tab. Also, add the support link.

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Thank you the slide-in worked. However, I will say it was slightly annoying I had to go and change every single form to slide-in. I feel like this is something that should have been done automatically or at least I should have been made aware of it ahead of time. I had to take the brunt of the hit from my client about this bug that I never caused in the first place. Something to consider.

Anyways, thank you for the fix.

Have a great day,

Jordan Clevenger

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