Made a quick LOOM video to illustrated what I’m asking.
I would definitely recommend the first option - one row per city, per date.
If you go the second option then apart from violating database normalisation rules, you’ll have a maintenance nightmare.
Question: How important is it to present everything in a table as per your “Workspace” view?
A very simple way to display the data would be in a collection, and group by city.
If you really want that table view, then it gets a bit complicated, because the number of columns needs to be dynamic. Not impossible, but would probably require some advanced techniques involving a helper table.
Thank you so much for the feedback and advise. I’ll do the first option then.
One more question tho. I’m assuming I use a workspace LOOP to create the junction table right? I’ve never done a loop action before, and wondering if you could point me to an example of how it’s done.
Recording a video for this.
@Get_Known Here’s a video.