Displaying rows a columns in table

Hey community,
I have the following structure in the table (many to many relations):
Company → State of contract ← Type of Contract

I want to show “Type of Contract” as columns, companies as rows and “State of Contract” as cell value.

Does anyone have an idea how to implement it (or an alternative version) ?

Best Regards,

So a company can have multiple contracts, each of them having a state?

Correct. Even Two companies can have the same contact but with different states.

Create a separate table for contracts with columns:

  1. contract ID
  2. Contractor ID
  3. Client ID
    plus whatever columns you need… date, description, price, status, address…
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I have no problem with the structure of the data table. My challenge is to show this as a pivot view where Company are rows, Type of Contact as columns, and cells are values from the table State of contract

I understand, but trust me, you will have many problems if you stick to your concept… I’ve been doing this for over 30 years.

Have a separate table for contracts, users, and payments. Then, you connect these tables by user ID, contracts ID, and payments ID and filter them out by categories.

The company is a user in your App, the same as clients and admins. The difference will be the role column.

So, if you want to show companies… filter the users table by role companies…and bring related values from contracts

Let me simplify what I need by providing another example.
I have normalized tables Student / Lessons / Marks (StudentID, LessonID, Mark). I just need to display them as is:

Yes… you take the user’s table filter by students (role)
In that table, relate the user ID to the lessons table user’s IDs and do a lookup for dates… simple

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Correct. The question is how to display this on Front End (Glide Apps) ?

List component