Need Help: What is the Parameter "Size" in QR code generator column?

Hi Guys,

I have to generate QR code for every row which should contain the Amount to be paid which is in Math column.

When I enter it in content It does not give me any QR code.

Also what is this Parameter called Size? what should I input there?

here is my config screenshot

Can someone help me out here?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Hey there,

I’m pretty sure you cannot generate a QR code from the result of a math column unfortunately,

the Size parameter just refers to the height and width in pixels you want the QR code to be.

Same question as Jakub, why do you need the amount to be the underlying value of the QR code?

Hi @Jakub_Molak , @ThinhDinh ,

Thank you for replying.

Basically I have user app (End User) and Restaurant (Waiter app)

When user completes his purchase or eating at restaurant he gets the bill and he has to upload the bill amount and bill picture on our platform to avail discounts / redeem points.

People might scam us by uploading random bills so I was thinking if the waiter can give an authenticating QR code from his app after the user enters the amount and scans the QR code then it will authenticate it as correct transaction and user can avail benefit.

Now I am not sure how to make this authentication mechnism to work as it should reduce the points and mark transaction as valid.

Can you guys give some suggestions?

Thank you in advance.


Why don’t you just record the bill on the waiter side/admin side? Then just link it to the user by an email/phone number/anything that is unique?

Hi Thinh,

I got your idea but here is the issue.

In India multiple restaurants or business use multiple
POS or billing software’s which they don’t give me access to. When a bill is generated the bill is generated outside of my system

So essentially when user inputs the bill amount and bill picture that is the first time it’s coming to my system

So problem is users might just scam me to gain points by entering random bill and amount

That’s why I was thinking the QR code approach but wondering how can I solve this.


I think it’s just them making this harder than it should be. Not sure why they’re not sending access to you if they have trusted you to make an app for them?

Put you math column into a template column and use that to build the QR code.

Hi ThinhDinh,

Oh I get your point. Thing is we are not billing software providers for them

We are just ones who give them discounts , we are a separate discount platform

They have billing software provided by someone else

We just want to authenticate discounts that come through our platform.

Hope this gives better clarity


Hi Jeff,

Thank you for suggesting. I am
Able to get the value in QR code now.

Just a question, can I on reading of QR code trigger an action like reduce points available ?

Is the allowed ?

Thank you in advance for your help


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