My number in report chart doesn't have comma & showing many decimal point

Hello everyone - I’m having what is probably a very simple to solve problem.
the report chart in glide which I link with my google sheet is now showing many decimal point , also the chart itself doesn’t have a comma displaying as same as in my google sheet.
How can I set the glide report chart showing as the same as in my google sheet for numbers , decimal point , and comma. ??

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That’s one of the way I found on the post, but is this for the old version of glide app ??
Currently, the bar on the left hand side doesn’t show the same layout as in this video clip…

Setting the display and precision options on number columns is still the same.
Can you show me a screen shot of the relevant columns in the data editor, and how you have them configured?

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as showing , numbers displaying in the chart has no comma, and are all mess up


I need to see the columns in the data editor

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When you enable the Group Separator option in your Number Column then you will get commas.

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I just use my original data , copy and paste on google sheet as above figure…
and do nothing on glide… do I have to set any things more in the app ??.

It’s difficult to tell from your screen shots, as I’m unable to read the characters.
But my advice would be to edit each of your Number columns in the Glide Data Editor and double-check the precision settings.

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could you show me where is the Glide Data Editor …

I don’t use Glide table , I use google docs…

I can’t find the left hand side layout as your 1st advised, so I asked is that left hand side layout are the previous version ?? if not why it doesn’t exit on my screen ??

Show me with Pics , pls ?

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Thank you, I got it ,
-The settings of the comma is in the table screen —> Go to Tapble Pic ----> Select the row you have numbers to input the comma ---- > select drop down list on top of the column name —> edit —> use grop separator .

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