Multiple to multiple relations


I can’t understand how can work this scenario:

1 landlords own multiple properties and each property can be ownd at same time by multiple landlords.
I can’t do that with Glide tables ? without creating duplicate datas ?

At this moment i have 2 tables. 1 for landlords, 1 for properties. On properties i put 1 column with the name of 1 landlords… i dont know how to add the second or third landlords… without duplicating the whole row and just changing the landlords… but if i do that the whole data of the properties are same on 2 or 3 rows (address, picture, etc…)

Please help me to understand :slight_smile: thx in advance


You can create a comma delimited list of landlord ID’s. Then use a Split Text column to split the list of landlords into an array. Then create your relation to the landlords table using that array. Likewise, you can create a relation linking the landlords table to the properties table.


Nice. I will try ! Thx for the tips !

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