Hi, I am an inventory control consultant in hospitality & am looking to make a simple Glide app to help with day to day activities in the venues. Presently I have a Google sheets based recipe costing solution for my clients but want to migrate this to a Glide app. I am struggling with a simple concept 1) Is it possible to assign multiple prices to items in the “ingredient” tab of the sheet. Each venue has a different price negotiated with suppliers & I want to reflect the price relevant to the venue when they cost a recipe. I thought about having multiple Ingredient tabs for each Venue but that seems very inefficient if you can use relationships & user access control to show their own ingredients & pricing.
Thanks in advance for the advice.
If you have different prices for each venue, then I would advise you to make multiple rows with unique combinations of venue & price. Would it work for you?
Thanks for the tip. So if I have a single supplier providing products to 10 different venues at different prices I would need 10 rows per product item linking Venue & Unique price to each product item. As I get more Venues on the app, with their own prices I would add them to the list. So basically the same result as creating a “Venue Ingredient Supplier Price” tab per Venue to show the relevant prices. So each venue has to have its own product tab with appropriate prices. Seems like a lot of wasted data repetition. But I am new to this & will give it a go. Thanks for the help.
I don’t know how you want to structure your app. Do users see all venues when they access the app or is it a diffferent settings?
If what I envision is right, you can have just one tab for all the pricing, but of course it will cost you a lot of rows.
The users will sign in with “whitelist email” as it will only be clients of mine that have access. They will then see their suppliers, products, recipes, menus, check lists etc. I was looking for a simpler method of managing all the different prices negotiated. Presently each client has their own costing Google sheet & their specific data is used on the Google sheet formulae. I was trying to get away from managing multiple sets of “similar” data. However if that is how it must be done I will give it a crack! Thanks again for the help.
Have just two sheets with the following details.
Profiles sheet
- Your client’s email
- Their suppliers’ email (you can use an array column for this, naming them Supplier 1, Supplier 2, Supplier 3, etc.)
Suppliers’ product sheet
- Supplier’s email
- Supplier’s product
- Product’s recipe
- Product’s price for that supplier
Make a relation matching the supplier array column in Profiles sheet to the supplier’s email in Suppliers’ product sheet, then show that relation via an inline list to each user.
I would have to know more about the structures if you need more help, I hope the idea can assist you.
Thanks for the tips, I will make a start with your advice & let you know how that worked out. 
Hello @Brad_Legassick and @ThinhDinh,
Just thought I would ask a quick question as I feel there might be a way to do this without so many extra rows.
Approx how many venues do you have?
Approx how many items do you have for each venue?
Just so I understand essentially (for example) there are say 5 items and each venue has a different price for these 5 items, but the 5 items are the same. So based on the users choice of venue you want the prices of their selected items to change?
If this sounds right please let me know!
Thinking about it, if he doesn’t want to make a choice component then it would be ok to have multiple columns on the same row which would store the varying prices.
I was thinking that the prices would be used for a choice component, which would not work with what we currently have I’m afraid. Just like 2 weeks ago there was a post discussing having multiple price ranges for each product (small/medium/large sizes) and we came to no conclusion.
Hi thx for the reply. I have approximately 20 venues, this will grow once Covid restrictions ease to perhaps about 60 venues. Each venue has about 15 to 20 suppliers for their food, beverage & consumable products. The average number of items per venue varies but you are looking at approximately 500 products per venue, all ordered from different suppliers. The venues negotiate contract prices with suppliers. This price is exclusive to the venue as they negotiated it. Some venues get better deals than others from the same suppliers. You don’t want the users from Venue1 seeing the pricing Venue2 is getting for the same products from the same supplier. The products are often the exact same products just different prices. Does this make it clearer?
It doesn’t have to be a choice component, if there can be a filter/search for the product that would be fine. You can’t have to scroll through hundreds of products to find the item though. That would be infuriating for the end user. In the Google sheets costing spreadsheet I use Index & Match formulae to basically look up the products & Google sheets search is very good as it provides an autocomplete so as you are typing the product name it filters the hundreds of items to your typed letters.
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Is the structure of your data essentially the below if you only had 2 suppliers, 2 items (which both suppliers had) and 2 venues?
| Item | Sup 1 Price for V1 | Sup1 Price for V2 | Sup2 Price for V1 | Sup 2 Price for V2 |
| Item 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 4 |
| Item 1 | 33 | 3 | 12 | 6 |
This could get unwieldy, but…
Given the structure above you could use a couple of user specific fields to say choose (or be assigned) their vendors/suppliers and then you could add an If/Else column next to the above listed columns which looks at the users selected (or asssigned Vendor/supplier combo) and spits out the price from the correct column.
@Brad_Legassick and @ThinhDinh Thoughts?
If I understand your suggestion: The Supplier/Vendor price column would have a unique description that identifies it as Venue1’s price & Venue2’s price & so on. So if I had twenty venues all buying from the same Supplier at different prices there would be 20 price columns designated by column headers which Venue the price is applicable to? & if there were 2 suppliers providing the same products they would get their own columns with the relevant prices per venue!
Yes, if it works you would only need 1 row per item, many columns and 1 possible very unwieldy if/else column.
Not positive it’ll work, but it might be a place to start. (fingers crossed)
Ok great thanks everyone for the help. I’ll give these suggestions a try & post back here. 
Hi guys,
If I understood the case, you are needing something like a Dynamic Choices using Relations, On my example APP:
Search Year --> your Venues
Search Month–> your Suppliers
Users found --> your Item price
Would it work for you?
@gvalero, forgive me if i am incorrect but I believe to use the above, you would need to have a new row for each version of each item and then you would filter on each property correct? This would require many extra rows… right?
I could be completely mistaken, its just how I read your above message, sorry if I misunderstand!
So @Brad_Legassick,
I seem to have possibly figured this out assuming the structure I outlined above. It allows for a user/vendor combo to be chosen (so one of the 4 columns shown above, how you get that choice is up to you), but once that choice is made and inputted into a user specific cell, the end result is a column which shows only the prices from the chosen supplier vendor combo for all items.
Does that sound right?