Hi all,
Here’s a sample of the proof of concept I’m working on: https://fuzzy-lumber-7365.glideapp.io/
The idea is simple. I have a list of produce/groceries. I want users, without signing in, to be able to report their prices for each of these items. See the “Apple” entry as an example of how ideally this would work.
Currently, I have two sheets setup:
- The first sheet lists the grocery item, along with the median, average, max, etc via formulas that identify the column range in the second sheet.
- The second sheet is just a list of prices, as submitted by users, with grocery items listed in columns instead of rows.
The problem is that I’m a bit stuck on how to make a relation occur in Glide between these two sheets such that users can add a price entry from the summary view of the screen using a button, and ideally without figuring out which entry to type their price into.
Any suggestions would be appreciated , including a better set up of the sheets!