I see that you can have multiple TABs with different features, filters, etc. all sourcing from the same SHEET.
But it doesn’t appear that the same is true of DETAIL layouts. I spent some time last night thinking I was making great progress, only to find I had undone a bunch of work elsewhere!
Use Case example:
*DETAIL layout for a SHEET is a form entry.
*Elsewhere in my app I want a user to be able to set a Boolean flag in that form’s sheet. That flag essentially ‘deletes’ the entry - without actually deleting - so that it’s no longer returned in subsequent queries on other pages. There are a ton of dependencies generated around that initial form generation, so an accidental delete could be very costly. But I can remove it from the entire workflow by just eliminating it from the subsequent Queries.
I’ve got some ideas about how to handle this from another sheet (ACTION > SET COLUMN, etc) but just trying to understand the architecture here. Is it fair to say that TABS are like a skin that wraps around the essence? The essence would be the LAYOUT (LIST, DETAIL, SLIDER, etc) of which there can be only one per sheet. If so, fair enough. I just need to understand the limitations.