Multiple Actions

You’ll want to have a sheet called Playlists. Users can add new rows to this sheet via a form button. It should contain a user ID of some kind and a playlist ID. Create another sheet called playlist items. This should contain a userID column, a playlistID column and a column to contain the contentID.

Then, on each piece of content, you could have a button with a link to screen → this item. On this screen you could have a choice component that will let the user select one of their playlists (write this value to a user specific playlistID column within the content details sheet). After they select a playlist ID, display a “add item to playlist” button that has an add row action to add the contentID, their selected playlistID and their userID to the playlist items sheet.

Even better make this a multi step action that displays a notification, and goes back.

Hopefully this all makes sense.

This would be an even better experience if we had something like this:
Modal “Link to Screen” option

@mark? :grin: