Multilanguage App (Auto-Translation) Within 5 minutes With Glide

Today I added automatic translation to my Glide app with Weglot within 5 minutes and because I think that’s pretty cool, I recorded a little video to show how I did it: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom


  • You won’t have a language switcher in the app. Each translation lives on a different subdomain.
  • Logging in with Gmail for example redirects to the original app so it’s better to use pincodes.


  • Translations happen automatically on all content but are still editable if you think something is off.
  • It only takes 5 minutes and Weglot is very affordable.


  • Step 1: add a custom domain to Glide
  • Step 2: add a project to Weglot for your custom domain and add a new CNAME record in your DNS settings to add a subdomain to your custom domain for the translated app to live in (it still uses the same Glide App, it’s only the frontend that is translated)
  • Step 3: Add the ‘body’ CSS selector under App settings in Weglot to let Weglot know that everything in the body can be translated. If something doesn’t translate (for me the login screen didn’t), add other CSS selectors (you can find them with the inspec tool in Google Chrome)
  • Step 4: When you visit the app on the subdomain, it will show you the automatically translated app.

Repeat for as many languages as you’d like :wink: