Modals with Glide Pages?


How do you actually add Modals to Glide Pages?


You can open these with any action. Choose an action that opens a new screen like Show Detail Screen or Show Edit Screen. Then instead targeting Current, target Small Overlay or Large Overlay. This will open the view in a modal.


Thanks Darren.

And do I need to create a new page? Will this appear inside the Modal? A little confused?

I cannot see how to add a Sign Up or Log In form inside a Modal? Very confusing?

When you use the action Darren mentioned, it will open a new modal for you to add the components you need.

You might not have to add a modal here if you just need users to log in. It can just be a button with the “Sign in” action.

@Darren_Alderman: Where can I enable the target setting? Seems to be disabled in my glide environment…

That looks like Glide Apps, not Glide Pages.

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Is this possible with Glide Apps? If not, I wonder why not…

Modals like Glide Pages are not available for Glide Apps, as of now. I really wish that can be an option.

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