So I am trying to build a chart which shows the net value of income/expense data. How do I create a column which is able to use data from separate rows to calculate against each other?
This is what my sheet looks like currently and I want to use the two values in the Totals column to create a net value in a column that can be referred to by my chart.
And use your Joined List column as a replacement for p1 in the JavaScript column.
If you prefer a solution that doesn't use JavaScript, then an alternative would be to create two Single Value columns that target your Totals column. One should take the first value, and the other should take the last. And then use a Math column to subtract one from the other.
The if-then-else column is a lot more powerful than you might think. It sometimes just requires a little bit of creative thinking to get what you need. In fact, you’ll find that there is very little that can be done with Excel formulas that can’t be done with Glide computed columns. I recommend the below tutorial.
Next time you hit one of those cases, share it here and we’ll see if we can help with a way.
When you have multiple conditions or need to do a combination of AND/OR, generally the way is to work backwards and eliminate all the failing conditions first. One important thing to be aware of is that the if-then-else column will return as soon as it meets a matching condition, and you can take advantage of that.
For example, let’s say you want to express the following logic in an if-then-else column:
If A is true AND (B > 10 OR C > 10), then true
At first glance you might think the above isn’t possible, but it’s actually quite simple. It’s just a matter of reversing the test for A, and short circuiting the flow if it doesn’t pass. So…
The above approach won’t work for all cases, but it will work for many.
All that said - yes, it could be better. And you’re not the first one to have mentioned that.