I like the notes option, but it would be even more helpful with markup language to create lists etc.
I use the notes for input and use Rich Text to display the notes. Would that satisfy your request?
How does rich text work? What would I need to type to go to a new line (end of paragraph) or to make a list?
Google Markdown syntax. There are a lot of examples and tutorial. I use dillinger.io to test it out.
I’ll look it up. Important question is if I can expect normal users to use this. Thanks!
That would be a no. You shouldn’t expect them to.
I would love a simple editor like in this Discourse post, but if that’s not possible my Markup request remains
I would venture to say that this editor, while preforming simply, is very complex under the covers. But I agree that it would be pretty cool to have one like it built into one of the Glide components. Maybe it’s on one of their roadmaps.
It must be hard choosing between all stuff we want