Marking videos as checked

Hi All,
here I have app which contains videos, where multiple users will give scores for the same video, , and I want to show something on these video cards, which tells the user that a particular video is checked by them, and again each video will be checked by multiple users, I want to show that which videos they have checked or unchecked, depending on the user logged in

Add a user specific boolean column to your Videos table. After a user watches a video, use an action to set it to true.

@Darren_Murphy Thank you for the response, here when a user clicks on video card a detail screen will open in that detail screen it has start rating button, and button opens a marking form after they submit that form, we can consider that user has checked the video, how can I implement it.

Extend the action that you already have so that it does a Set Column Values on the Boolean column.

So the ultimate aim is to mark a video as checked after the user has submitted a rating? Does that rating get added as a row in a separate table?

Yes, the rating get added in separate table where as, videos are from separate table.

Then, you can use a query on each video row, to check against the Ratings table.

Filter by video ID is this row’s video id, and the user ID/email being the same as the signed-in user’s ID/email (assuming you have recorded those in the Ratings table).

Only show the “check” button if the query is not empty (meaning a rating has not been submitted).