Map display issue

Hi there,

I added a component map, but it seems to only display a few of the 50 locations I’ve added. After some research on the Mapbox site, I found advice suggesting I should use more precise location data. Fair enough.

I started entering very detailed addresses, such as:
Czasoprzestrzeń Zajezdnia Dąbie, ul. Tramwajowa 1-3, 51-621 Wrocław, Poland (venue name, street name and number, postal code, city, and country).

However, the map still doesn’t display this location. Strangely enough, some less specific locations work fine - like “Dallas” - but others, such as “New York”, “Los Angeles,” or “Berlin” won’t show up at all.

Some additional context:
a) I have multiple venues in my dataset that share the same city, but as I mentioned earlier, entering precise addresses doesn’t seem to solve the issue.
b) I’ve double-checked that I’m using the correct column for the address/location settings.
c) I’m currently on a free plan.

Any advice on how to resolve this?

I would suggest you using coordinates than ultra-specific addresses. That will work much better with Mapbox.

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Hey @Magda,

I had a similar issue last year with the map component, I inevitably fixed this by adding the state and zip code to the address. Cut down the problem by about 80%, the rest I had to start collecting Lat/Lon to input as the address. Hope this helps.


thanks! it seems to be working

thanks a lot. it seems to be working.

hi guys, @ThinhDinh & @Alpha_University, coming back to you. I followed your advice and started collecting the coordinates. But it looks the map doesn’t show some of the coordinates. I’ve been double checking my entries, and they seem to be correct. Say, this one - 51.50658, -0.08879 (London) or 47.04153, 8.32129 (Luzern). The map doesn’t show them.
Any ideas? Thanks a lot.

You’re London coordinates look wrong. It’s in the northern hemisphere, so the first number should be positive instead of negative.

Not sure otherwise.

Works normally for me.

Thanks, I changed it and it looks like the map is working selectively for me :wink: Luzern works, but London doesn’t.

I tried taking coordinates from different sources (ending up with Google Maps).
I checked MapBox Playground earlier and couldn’t figure out the coordinates. Are you using a paid version of MapBox?

No, I’m using the same as you, it’s the Glide’s Map component :sweat_smile:

I just Googled the coordinates and pasted it in.

ok :slight_smile: any ideas why London doesn’t show up at my end? :thinking:

I assume you’re having the coordinates in a text column, and set it as the address in the map?

yes, exactly.

Oh, and it stopped showing the locations it displayed yesterday :rofl: omg, why?…
There was a Glide update yesterday. Other than clicking that, I haven’t changed anything

How many pins do you see on the map?
If you add a list collection with the same source as the map, do you see all of the rows?
Do you have any filters applied to the map collection?

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Well, that seems weird! No problems on my end even with just regular address - same country too! :sweat_smile:

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Ok, I think I have it. After a couple of minutes of playing around, I figured the component is trying to deduce the format you’re using and if there are any inconsistencies in your formatting of the coordinates or address, it’s not going to read some of your entries.

Wrocław had a typo in your data :slight_smile:


That’s good observation!

@Magda In your data, I think Wroclaw is the only one where you don’t have a space after the comma in your coordinates. Can you try fixing that?

I have 10 pins on the maps, and 17 addresses with coordinates, so 7 are missing.
I already have a list collection and all entries are displayed.

Are you on a free plan?

I believe the free plan is limited to 10 map pins.