Lookups based on related sheet in data editor not pulling through

SOLVED - I did not have the form based on the Parent details ie the User Sheet. So no matter that I can see the details in the data editor, they cannot be passed on to the sheet via the Columns components in the form. I have created the form off the Users sheet & the details are being passed along.
It would be noce to be able to pass the Looked Up Values to the sheet, perhaps you can?

My app’s URL:https://pqhmq.glideapp.io/
Thanks in advance for any help solving this! It’s been driving me nuts for a few days!

I have a User sheet related to an Accesslog sheet. These sheets are related: User can have many access check ins - Access check in can only have 1 User. In the data editor in the Accesslog sheet I have Lookup fields bringing in User names, address & mobile number. These are all clearly visible in the data editor.
In the Check in Form which is based off the Accesslog sheet I have Column Values selected from the “UserName”, “Address”, “Mobile” lookup data editor fields, these are assigned to the respective Sheet columns “User_Full_Name”, “Address” & “Mobile”.
However these fields are not populated on the submission of the form. The signed in user email is populated correctly, but the balance of the info does not come through.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you Brad.

You can collect them via the Columns component, right?

@ThinhDinh yeah I can get them now that I set the form up on the correct parent sheet being the Users sheet. I mistakenly thought that if you created a relationship & a lookup column for those values you could populate the form fields that way. Seeing the looked up fields in the data editor but not getting them passed to the Column values confused me. But I have it working now. I still think it would be nice to be able to pass the looked up fields back to the sheet.

If you want them in the Sheets, you can have Vlookups with the current setup so that you won’t have to change a lot of things, assuming those pieces of info you want are not available in columns.

Hi @ThinhDinh yeah I used them when I was trying to get it to work. I just thought it best to try keep formulae in the sheets to a minimum if possible. Thx for the tip.

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