Looking to hire an expert/agency to integrate Plaid into my app with 200+ users

I know others have talked about being too nervous to integrate something like Plaid because of Glide’s user rules and restrictions, but I don’t think this violates it at all. Here’s the part that is even somewhat applicable:

“2. Financial account information, such as credit or debit card numbers, bank account numbers, or other financial account numbers.”

However, it’s not like we’d be storing account numbers in the app. That’s the whole point of Plaid in my experience. The end user logs into their bank or credit card through Plaid, the account numbers are never shown, and then all Plaid sends to the app is transactions (not account numbers).

So, is any expert/agency willing to take this on?

I’m aware of the Glide Experts listing page. I don’t want to reach out to a bunch of agencies myself. I’d rather them see my post and message me if it’s a project they’re interested in

That page lists agencies as well as freelancers. Sometimes it just about finding a nice fit, whatever your criteria and that of the agency or freelancer might be. Note that not all agencies or freelancers might be in the forum daily or regularly :slight_smile: