Links Between Databases

Hi again!

I’m fully embracing Glide and enjoying it so far. I’d really appreciate any guidance, hope this is an easy answer.

I have a list of students names in a database called ‘StudentsX’, one column with an ‘Enrollment Status’, another column has the ‘Student Name’.

In another database – if the ‘Enrollment Status’ is equal to ‘Enrolled’ then I’d like a row to be created for each ‘Student Name’ from the ‘StudentX’ databased.

Thanks again!

When you say database, I assume you mean table?

This infers that this “database” is currently empty (zero rows), and you want rows to be added based on criteria from the first “database”. Is that correct?

Your use case seems a little odd on face value, because the goal appears to be to create duplicate/redundant data. But I might be misunderstanding.

Hi again,

Yes, thank you :slight_smile: I meant ‘table’ still learning the lingo around here.

I’ll give you the current use case –

All of my primary data is inside of a Google Sheet, with specific evaluations given to each student:

There are a few thousands of rows here, so I use another table to query and roll up the data. In this table, I use ‘thisRow’ and ‘Student Name’ column. Right now, I’m manually copying and pasting the names into this row. I’d like to be able to call these names automatically based on an ‘Enrollment Status’.

Here’s an example of the query configuration:

ah, I see.

So what you have there is essentially a Helper Table.

Okay, so here is what you can do.

  • Start by add a RowIndex column (refer to the 2nd use case here)
  • Next, add a Query column that targets your Students table, and apply whichever filters you need.
  • Add a Lookup column that fetches the Student names via the Query column. This will give you an array of Student names.
  • The final step is to transpose that array into a list. Add a Single Value column, target it at the Lookup column, and select X from start, where X is the RowIndex. That should give you a list of Student names, one per row.

Thanks Darren! I’m going to give this a try, I really appreciate the clarity and quick counsel.

Worked like a charm! Very helpful!

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