Linking data cells

Hello, I’m a newbie and I am trying to figure out the basics.

How do I something simple like linking data from one cell to another cell in a different table?

I have one table (Table #1) with barcode #s and ingredients name, and I’m trying to make it so that when I input the barcode # in a different table (Table #2), it will pull the name of the ingredient from Table #1.

Am I missing something? How come I’m finding it so hard to do something like this? In Google sheets, you would just new to reference the cell data. How do you do something like that in Glide?


With relations.

You can use relation on each barcode from table 1 to table 2.

Thx for the quick response. I still don’t understand. Can you explain it some more?

This is Table #1, I understand I’m suppose to create a relations column. But I can’t get it to grab the name of the ingredient and put it into another table with matching barcode.

What is needed in Table #2 to get the name of the ingredient to appear in a cell besides the barcode?

In the table 2, create a relation on Barcode match in Ingredients → Barcode.
Create a lookup column that get that relation column → Name.

You should be good to go!

I get this, it shows all the names in the column.

How do I get it to show only the name corresponding to the barcode?

Can you show me the lookup column config? I think I know what is the problem. Verify that you selected the relation → name and not the Tables → name.

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I did pick the wrong one, choose the relation and it works! Thank you so much!

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