I have a question, the link that generates Link to Screen action will be the same always (static value) or it could change in the future?
Always the same unless you change it.
Hi @Wiz.Wazeer,
You mean if I make a change in that page? (for example add a button or something like that?)
No- you change to a different action like navigate to tab. You will lose everything added on the link screen tab.
Oh I see,
But my question was related to if I can copy that link, save it or share it with the certain that the link will never change.
Share a link ? But your question was about link to screen.
Oh, my bad
I want to use Copy to clipboard action with the value Link to CURRENT sceen
okay let’s start all over again.
so, the link generated by Link to CURRENT screen will be always the same? or it could change in some point?
Always the same from what I know
Thank you so much for your time @Wiz.Wazeer, you are the best!
The deep link encodes 3 or 4 types of information in there. Here’s a sample.
I have no idea what the “t” is for, the “s” links to the Sheet, the r links to the rowID, the n seems to be the title of the screen.
I’m not sure if any changes in the Sheet name or Screen title would change the deep link. You would have to try just to make sure.
Could the “t” be referencing the tab?
That makes sense!
Hi all
Any new information on solving the problem? It would be great to learn how to generate links to screens, nowadays some things have to be done in workarounds
yes, if the name of a screen changes, the deep link changes
I still don’t know what “t” stands for.
t stands for the index of the tab,
in several of my apps t starts with 0 for the first tab in the builder.
but unfortunately, in another app of mine, t starts with 2 for the first tab.
Can it be that there are “invisible” tabs which get an index number?
Does “first tab in the builder” mean the first tab top-down on the left panel? Maybe they count tabs in the hamburger menu first then the main menu? Just my theory.
No, from what I see in the test app, the index starts with zero for the first tab in the builder in the left panel. And the the index continues for the tabs in the hamburger menu, not counting the User Profile tab. But it does count also those tabs which are hidden.
If anyone comes up with a way to construct the deep link from scratch, e.g. via a google script, that would be really helpful.