Glide should create a forum section where people can post jobs for apps to be built and anyone can make a offer to buid said apps.
You mean, not only experts, but everyone who be able to help and so on?
Yes, they could always post their resume on there and if the person chooses them then thats that.
I think that’s the experts page for.
But it doesn’t matter if your an expert or not really. I’ve seen plenty of apps on here that people are charging $50+ for that would take me 2 hours to build and I would have at least half a dozen more features, not to mention some of the work of the experts I have seen is underwhelming to say the least. Not to dog on experts in any way but some of us are just as capable if not more so than the experts provided.
I have a nocodesupport dot com and nocodehelp dot com domain name, I’d like to do something like that.
Where any glider can post their skills & hourly rate.
Do you think this has legs?
I do feel like plenty of people would want to. I would make sure it is well thought out and a resume as well as visuals/examples are required to be provided. I am contracted and cannot participate but as I mentioned above, I think it’s a great idea.
Do you guys want to collaborate and build an app for clients (who need an app) to get in touch with someone who is able to build that app in glide. Sort of like fiver but just for apps.
Please let me know if you are inter by simply replying to this thread. Allowing everyone to build apps for clients will undoubtedly let much more people develop their skills and even bring up some hidden talents. Thanks @Drearystate
So, today is your lucky day @astrack runs this blog and community with amazing tips each day and week!
There’s also
Thank you for the recomendation. We have forums, news, tutorials, courses and also a series called Nocode Movers & Shakers. In this series we interviewed David Siegel (Glide’s CEO and co-founder): .
Great interview, btw! Love it